Welcome to the blog visit Indonesia

I say welcome from Syamsul.Husni glad I can write and share here for you and to the world a better place than before, thanks.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Keep your relationship wholeheartedly

Relation is a tool to achieve success quickly, with a lot of relation then we will be better able to sell products or services to be offered. apart from the sales that we do to people who know better do not we sell to friends, relatives, friends of our friends who give reference to us. but it is not easy to get references from friends or colleagues of our business. reciprocation for services and a highly satisfactory service to our friends or colleagues is the key to someone else willing to refer us. greetings steady success!

Saturday, 26 November 2011

1 month ahead of the apocalypse end of the world ?????

Why is the issue of the news behind the war, between Israel against Iran between the U.S. against Russia because each has an interest. if they pretend not to want to know the impact by the 3rd world war that will last a few months ahead. whether the peace that we all crave as human beings is of no value anymore? Is thereno way out which is right and good to resolve issues that developini.if not, we can only say, good fistfight each other ..

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono replace "machine" to increase the performance of political

awesome! The first in the history of the republic of Indonesia as well as rotate a president replacing the 11 ministers today (10/19) and added 16 deputy ministers. SBY's political risk made ​​quite get the response the pros and cons in the community. Many people hope the best for the remaining 3 years of leadership of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with this change. but many people who see this political maneuver will cause the swollen state budget for the salaries of the deputy minister of the same level as a first echelon, which also causes swelling of the debt of this country.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Funstation bring happy people prefer to get happiness and entertainment

If you ever stop by and enjoy our services together Funstation ayani megamal and all branches in Indonesia, follow me you have been more pleased with funstation follow our progress.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Ayu 'ting-ting for the Indonesian people back to the original music of Indonesia

Shake the world like ayu 'ting ting succeeded in making people rocked Indonesia dangdut again. This one is like the impromptu artist justin bieber became famous because it looks stunning on the screen you tube. now once appeared on stage he was able to acquire producing tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. Indonesia rocked again by ayu 'ting ting. where? where? where? false address one of his most popular songs today.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

if you want to learn about best-selling biography, buy this book today!

He is a motivator, he's a teacher change, and he left this mortal world with great success that changed our world today.

Steve Jobs

Monday, 10 October 2011

the beautiful island of Lombok

Lombok is a beautiful island located south west nusa, the two largest islands in the province are located in the west of Lombok and Sumbawa are located in the east. This is the provincial capital city of Mataram in Lombok Island.
Most of the population are from ethnic Sasak Lombok, Bima and Sumbawa while the tribe is the largest ethnic group on the island of Sumbawa. The majority of the population are Muslims of West Nusa Tenggara (90%). Go here you will not regret having to finance your trip here.

The most famous beaches in the world after Bali is Lombok Senggigi beach.
only in the Indonesian paradise

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Camino a Barcelona

De Barcelona son las ciudades más hermosos de la ciudad en España y miles de culturales más famosos de Cataluña .. en un área aproximada de 100,5 km2 esto es fútbol.

Desde sus inicios como puerto comercial fenicio y el Cartagena, Barcelona se convirtió en un centro religioso durante la ocupación visigoda antaraabad a-5 hasta el siglo sexto. Después de que la ciudad fue tomada de los visigodos por las fuerzas de moros islámicos en 717, después por Frank Coligian en el año 801, y las fuerzas de al-Mansyur kekholifahan omeyas en el año 985, los nobles de organizarse y unirse Cataluña con Aragón, hace de Barcelona atrás de comercio preferencial en la ciudad.
Barcelona pierde fuerza cuando Nápoles se convirtió en la capital del reino catalán-aragonés en 1442, y volvió a caer con el aumento de los turcos otomanos en el Mediterráneo. Príncipe Carlos III de Austria permitido establecer un tribunal de Barcelona en 1705, después de la Guerra de Sucesión española estaba sentado en el trono de España. Barcelona también prosperaron a lo largo del desarrollo de la industria del algodón después de Felipe V de España que conquistó en 1714.
Después de la Muerte Negro (enfermedades infecciosas) brote en el siglo 14 y 15, el gobierno de Felipe V y sus sucesores represivas emperador Napoleón Bonaparte en el siglo 19, la ciudad debe hacer frente a las luchas internas en el siglo 20. Cuando la Guerra Civil española estalló en 1936, se entregó a la República española catalán.
Desde la década de 1970, cuando el catalán y la cultura reconocido oficialmente España, Barcelona ha ganado una posición importante en el mundo internacional. En 1980, estableció un gobierno autónomo de Cataluña. En 1992, los Juegos Olímpicos, y el encanto y la hospitalidad de la gente que eran cerca de 2 millones de personas, logró captar la atención del mundo.
Por Beckner Soetrisno C y E. 2001. 100 Grandes Ciudades históricas en el mundo. Yakarta: Pustaka y Intimedia campo.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

let's have a gold gardening now

I Will Open Secrets How to BUY GOLD by IMAGINE THAT YOU NEVER previous
Written Based on Knowledge and Personal Experience
Dear Brother,
Inflation is the biggest uncertainty factor of who the most difficult to overcome, inflation secretly rob your assets and you lower purchasing power. Year 80 you can get new money MOTORCYCLE 1m, this time with the same money you can only buy a bike without a motor.

You are currently working hard to generate as much money with her ​​mortgage of your time, hope some day you will enjoy your time freedom. Money is not your problem now ... But remember, 90% of you when entering the age of 50-60 years, when should you enjoy the freedom of time, money it becomes your problem ....

My journey this JAR in 5-6 years to cultivate a variety of businesses such as Shop, Mini Market Alpha / Indomaret, Property, etc. took me to a variety of situations and experiences of different businesses. Sidelines of a business activity, sayapun often asked to fill Seminar and Workshop, especially in an environment Entrepreneur University various cities across Indonesia. Travel and the experience encouraged me to continue looking for alternatives, and investments businesses. In 2007 ahir sayamenemukan a secret how to invest Gold by way of "crazy" that never terfikirkan before. Throughout the year 2008 and I've tested ... turns out this is a remarkable secret.

New beginning in 2009, after a really solid, I share this secret in a variety of Sharing Business, Seminars and Workshop.syukur received overwhelming response especially since the investment strategy is easy and affordable variety of circles, and the more happy is the real benefit of they have acquired and feel ...

Now, would I share this secret to you ...

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Donate your blood for the sake of humanity

62 Year Red Cross Indonesia
"Together for Humanity"
Entering the age of 62 years, PMI's existence in society is often questionable. ¬ first questions that arise, among others: PMI for the Department's of what? Anything that was done by PMI? Is PMI sell blood? Why is there a pu ¬ ngutan PMI? What does PMI with red Crescent ¬ Me? And other questions. Me ¬ ironic indeed, at the age of more than half a century, the PMI has not been fully understood by the public in ¬ including vision, mission, and the task of PMI.
Founding of the Red Cross organization, conceived to help the victims of war, either from public or ten ¬ between. A noble intention of an air ¬ name of Jean Henry Dunant.
From the experience of living Henry Dunant, who saw the suffering and directly to help. ¬ formed in 1863 tuklah humanitarian organization called the International Red Cross Committee (ICRC = International Committee of the Red Cross). The purpose of this organization: (1) Forming organizations maa Kea ¬ ¬ international nusiaan be treated ¬ ¬ ready to do its founding in peacetime un ¬ tuk help the soldiers who were injured in the me ¬ and war (2) Conducting an agreement in terna ¬ ¬ tional to protect the injured soldiers on the battlefield as well as protection of su ¬ ka volunteer and the organization in time to give help in time of war
Being in Indonesia alone, the formation of the Indonesian Red Cross organizations, the history of warfare against the background of this nation in seizing independence. ¬ her efforts were humanitarian organizations was pioneered by Dr. Bahder Johan and friends in the Dutch and Japanese colonial era. But unfortunately, always a failure.

Jusuf Kalla, chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross

Without knowing the despair, the Committee 'Five continues its mission to establish the organization. Exactly one month after the independence of Indonesia (17 September 1945), Indonesian Red Cross organization was formed. De facto, establishment of the Red Cross in Indonesia indicate that Indonesia has been an independent nation!. Because the universal ra ¬ Seca, ¬ founded the Red Cross organization in a country's independence.
PMI's first task is to help the victims gave ¬ rikan independence revolutionary war ¬ RI independence and the return of prisoners of war and Japanese allies. Since 1950, PMI formally became a member of the International Red Cross, marked by the government of Indonesia signed the Geneva Convention. ¬ stared PMI can inaugural nationwide, through Presidential Decree No. RI. 25 of 1959 and Presidential Decree. 246 of 1963.
Development of the PMI
In which he has entered six decades, a lot of experience to the PMI ¬ ¬ forward rapidly. With a finger ¬ formed with working in all 33 Provinces, 323 Municipalities PMI Branch / District and support the Blood Transfusion Unit 165 in ¬ Selu the spirit of Indonesia, PMI makes a big organization in Indonesia. Developmental mandate of the task begins with the current situation has developed further, as the comparison tasks PMI today is:

Task demands and experience in the field, resulting in a gradual PMI continues to do an evaluation to strengthen the working capacity, as in disaster management.
In the early stages of PMI is just doing the task response. But this time, PMI is also carrying out tasks at this stage of rehabilitation of ¬ rehabilitation, for example in the handling of na ¬ Tsunami disaster in Aceh and the earthquake in Yogyakarta. PMI activities are also adjusting to the globalization of the world's problems, such as: the handling of HIV / AIDS and climate change impacts. In the last task, the PMI as a non-governmental institutions play a role helping the government and society.
Currently, PMI's organizational capacity has been increasingly strengthened. PMI pursuing a strategy to further strengthen both human resources and funds.
PMI can be reflected in the existence of rea ¬ opponent who work selflessly. Menga ¬ lirnya donors support from domestic and overseas at this time, the existence of open ¬ sure PMI is also an increasingly strong
Era of Globalization
In this era of globalization, where people make all the more critical components of the institution / organization level of competition faced by an increasingly selective. PMI aware, today more and more bodies / institutions that perform tasks similar to PMI's mission, namely to solely on humanitarian missions. So what distinguishes the PMI with other agencies?
PMI is sauatu humanitarian organization (NGO) which was established upon authorization by the state government which bersang ¬ cutaneous and current. PMI is the only organism ¬'s organizations that carry out management of blood transfusion. Both of these reasons that makes PMI as a humanitarian organization that has its own characteristics.
With the growing variatifnya tasks performed without shifting PMI 7 Basic Principles of the Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and obedient to continue to implement the Geneva Conventions of 1949, PMI believes, in the future the more it can improve the image of PMI.
Currently, the problems faced as ever delivered PMI PMI Chairman Mary Muhammad is the unavailability of funds to support kegi ¬ suitanable oprasional atan routine. It is a challenge for the Board to be able to make an effort PMI funding as income generic PMI organization.
In AD / ART PMI, the PMI to validate each line can have business units that can support PMI operasinal funds.
Another problem of the PMI, has not terselesainya Law of the Red Cross emblem, which aims to protect the emblem as a symbol of universal Protection.
The use of two symbols of international protection as the red cross and red crescent in Indonesia, simply provide vulnerability at the time of the conflict happened in Indonesia. Once again, the role of government is crucial to be able to order the terms of use symbols, so that the mission of this organization is well maintained. currently there are three symbols that may be used by organizations kepalangmerahan, and one country must choose one.

currently the most important thing is the PMI must be able to give and provide the data into a form of transparency and accountability to the public, about the tasks performed by PMI. The Indonesian Red Cross riatahir

Monday, 3 October 2011

Choose environmentally friendly products, one of which rottan is an environmentally friendly natural materials and does not cause global warming

Joe Biden: Face global warming or global conflict
The presidential candidate says failing to address climate change would lead to new wars and a changed U.S. military.
By Amanda Griscom Little

Topics:Environment, 2008 Elections, Democratic Party, Energy, Global Warming, Joe Biden, Nuclear Power
Joe Biden says his top priority as president would be “energy security.” “If I could wave a wand, and the Lord said I could solve one problem, I would solve the energy crisis,” he said this spring at a political rally in South Carolina. “That’s the single most consequential problem we can solve.”
During his 34-year Senate career, Biden, now chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, has been known more as a chieftain of foreign policy than a champion of environmental protections (though he has earned a respectable 84 percent lifetime voting score from the League of Conservation Voters). These days, he’s emphasizing how closely geopolitics and environmental stewardship are intertwined. To solve what he sees as the defining challenge of our time, Biden has been pushing for more U.S. involvement in international climate negotiations, more compact fluorescent light bulbs, more-stringent fuel economy regs and a whole lot more biofuels.
How well will Biden be able to balance his energy-independence goals with an ambitious climate agenda? I tracked him down on the campaign trail in Iowa to find out.
For more information on his platform and record, check out this Biden fact sheet.
Why do you consider yourself the strongest candidate on energy and the environment? What sets your platform on these issues apart from the rest?
I would be most capable of getting this country back into an international climate regime, getting us back to the table the fastest and with the most prospect for success, because of my extensive engagement in foreign policy. I’m also in the best position to make it clear to the United States Congress that this is not merely an environmental issue, it is a security issue. I held hearings this year pointing out that if we do not do something of consequence about global warming, drastically and soon, we literally are going to find ourselves reconfiguring our entire military to deal with occasions for new wars, which are going to be about territory and arable land. You see what’s happening in Darfur [Sudan] now — that’s part of the problem.
You’ve said that your first priority is “energy security.” Can you clarify what this goal means and how you’d achieve it?
If the predictions of the scientists are correct, you could see ocean levels rise three feet. If that occurs, you’re going to displace over 35 million people just in South Asia, and they’re going to physically be looking for a new place to land. Just that, all by itself, is going to initiate major new conflicts relating to war. You’re going to have nations fighting over arable land, more border disputes and, as a consequence, a great deal of instability.
How would you achieve energy security? What specifically do we need to do to get there?
To deal with global warming, you have to change the attitude of the world, particularly China and India, the two largest developing nations. But in order to do that, to have any credibility, you have to begin here in the United States by capping emissions, increasing renewable fuels, establishing a national renewable portfolio standard [RPS], requiring better fuel economy for automobiles. I would cap emissions at 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050 and set a national RPS of 20 percent. I would announce an executive order that the federal government would not purchase one single automobile for its fleet that gets less than 40 miles to the gallon. And I would not build a single solitary federal project without it being a green project. That would have the effect of getting states to do the same thing, and that would create a pot of somewhere between a third and a half a trillion dollars that would be a lure to every major business in America to go green.
These measures would put us in a position to be able to actually attempt to lead the world. But we have no credibility right now.
How would you bring China and India to the table on a global climate treaty?
By engaging in significant joint ventures with them both on new technologies. You’re already having an awakening awareness in China about the consequences of pollution.
Sometimes the goals of achieving energy independence and reducing climate change are at odds. Would you —
Exactly right. You’re the first one who’s ever asked me a question that way.
Would you, as president, oppose subsidizing technologies that would worsen global warming, even if they would reduce our reliance on foreign oil?
Yes, I would, because at the end of the day it’s a net loser for us.
What role does “clean coal” play in your vision for energy independence and climate security?
I don’t think there’s much of a role for clean coal in energy independence, but I do think there’s a significant role for clean coal in the bigger picture of climate change. Clean-coal technology is not the route to go in the United States, because we have other, cleaner alternatives. But I would invest a considerable amount of money in research and development of clean-coal and carbon-sequestration technologies for export. China is building one new coal-fired plant per week. That’s not going to change unless there’s a fundamental change in technology, because they have about 300 years of dirty coal, and they’re going to use it.
Would you impose a moratorium on the development of old-style coal power plants in the U.S.?
I believe that all new coal-fired power plants should be built with carbon capture and sequestration capacity.
What’s your position on liquefied coal?
Again, I don’t think it’s the way to go in the U.S., but we could invest in technologies for export. I don’t think there’s any reasonable prospect that China, as it continues to grow to 1.4 billion people, is not going to use their coal.
What role do you see for nuclear power?
I see a role for nuclear, but first you’ve got to deal with the security as well as the safety concerns. I’d be spending a whole hell of a lot of money trying to figure out how to reconfigure the spent fuel into reusable fuel. I would not invest in [growing our nuclear power capacity in its current form], but I would invest in sorting out the storage and waste problems.
What fuel-economy targets do you support?
I think we should be able to get to 40 miles per gallon by 2017. I think we should have every single vehicle in America have to get one mile per year additional fuel economy, based on the class and size of the automobile, not on CAFE [corporate average fuel economy] standards.
Where does ethanol fit into your plan?
Ethanol is a good start. Because of the amount of [resources] that go into producing corn-based ethanol, it has only marginally less impact on the consumption of fossil fuels. But it has two real advantages: It begins to give us the margin of flexibility we need to deal with being held hostage to any one of the seven unstable countries that supply 35 percent of our oil — Nigeria, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, etc. No. 2, it’s a transitional means by which you’re going to be pouring billions of dollars into the fields of the Midwest, rather than the sands of Saudi Arabia or the pockets of [Hugo] Chavez.
How would you structure policies to shift the ethanol industry away from corn and toward cellulosic or other more climate-friendly fuels?
With considerably more research and incentivizing. Right out here in Iowa, where I am right now, you already have producers and cattlemen and the rest saying, This is not such a good deal for us having this corn-based ethanol orgy that’s going on here, because long term it’s not sustainable. Corn ethanol will always be a part of the alternative fuel mix, but it is not long-term sustainable as the only feedstock for ethanol because we can only produce around 12 billion to 17 billion gallons of ethanol from corn grown in this country. But we can produce 86 billion gallons of ethanol from cellulosic feedstocks, which could replace more than half the gas consumed by this country. An awful lot of these farmers are already looking for the next step, and they know it is cellulosics.
What environmental achievement are you proudest of?
It took me 10 years to protect all of the beach on the Delaware coast from Cape Henlopen down to Rehoboth Beach, and put it in trust for the people of the country so that no development can take place on any of that area. I’m also proud that I convinced the state of Delaware to take the entire White Clay Creek watershed and turn it into a scenic river, stop the development in that whole region and purify that watershed.
Who is your environmental hero?
Russell Peterson. I was a young [county] councilman in 1970 when he was a Republican governor of Delaware. I introduced legislation saying that Getty Oil and these other companies could not build any refineries within one mile of the high-water mark of the Delaware River and Delaware Bay. He turned that into the first coastal zone act in the United States of America. He later left the Republican Party and became a Democrat, but that’s not why I admire him. He was for years the president of the National Audubon Society, where he did a great deal for the environment.
What has been your most memorable outdoor or wilderness adventure?
My most memorable outdoor adventure was traveling 1,500 miles in Alaska with the National Guard, going from Prudhoe Bay to the Tongass Forest and all the way out into the Aleutian Islands in the Bering Sea. I found it an absolutely remarkable, fascinating, incredibly moving event. I landed in a Mustang suit up in the North Slope when they were trying to talk me into allowing more drilling. Two of the great things I’ve fought for in my career were protecting the Tongass National Forest and preventing more drilling in the North Slope.
What have you done personally to reduce your energy and environmental footprint?
A little thing we’ve begun to do is replace all the traditional light bulbs in our house with fluorescent light bulbs. I introduced a bill to promote compact fluorescent light bulbs. If every family in America changed just one bulb, we could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 7 million tons per year. There are a lot of little things we can do to make a gigantic change.
If you could spend a week in a park or natural area of the United States, where would it be?
I’d go back to Yellowstone. I took my kids there early on, and God, I loved it.
This article is part of a series of interviews with presidential candidates produced jointly by Grist and Outside.
Amanda Griscom Little is a columnist for Grist Magazine. Her articles on energy, technology and the environment have appeared in publications ranging from Rolling Stone to the New York Times Magazine.More Amanda Griscom Little

New Blackberry

peace-loving Islam is growing rapidly in Russia

Save cost, 11,500 Russian Muslims Hajj Go Driving Car
Thursday, September 29, 2011 20:49 AM
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MOSCOW - Hajj season ahead. In Russia, the Muslims were ready to welcome the coming months Dzulhijah. They prepare to release their relatives who want to fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam.

This year, the number of visa applications by pilgrims to Saudi Arabia Embassy in Moscow as many as 20,500 pilgrims. Most part, come from Dagestan, the region where the number of Muslims is quite a lot.

According to Gennady Onischenko, a physician, the condition of the prospective pilgrims certainly primed before leaving for the Holy Land. They will start leaving tomorrow until Nov. 1, and go home between 10 November to 25 December. "Most go for a drive," he told Interfax media.

According to him, which departs calhaj driving as many as 11,500 people. The reason, the costs can be reduced more cheaply. The rest, using an airplane.

Muslim doctors, will accompany each group departing. "Hopefully the trip smoothly and no significant obstacles," he hoped.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Indonesia attacked by terrorists, Detachment 88 anticipating the next attack

JAKARTA. kontan.com Monday, September 26, 2011 | 19:58 by Yudho Winarto

The government immediately formed a team of medical treatment and handling of victims of suicide bombings Bethle Full Gospel Church (GBIS), Kepunton, Solo. The goal is to ensure maximum care delivery of the 14 victims who is currently an outpatient basis.

"We made the team, not only the Hospital (RS) RS Dr. Oen but also the surrounding referral because they want to ensure maximum patient care can be," said Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, Monday (26 / 9).

The establishment of this team as a precaution if RS Dr. Oen not able to provide services for victims of suicide bombings that occurred on Sunday (25 / 9). "But until now no one referred to," he said.

Based on the number of bomb victims there is one person who died of suspected bombers. Then there were 14 victims who have menjalai outpatient. Among them there were four victims suffered broken bones and two of them suffered serious injuries. "A foreign object in his brain, was successfully released yesterday. There is a familiar object in his bladder also had surgery last night," he said.

To ensure the maintenance and condition of the victims. Endang claims will directly fly to Solo to see directly the condition of the victims. "Today I want to see it mainly in the brain," he said.

Concerning the burden of the cost of care and treatment, Endang fully affirmed the government would bear. Living mechanism, given the local governments that have expressed Solo would bear the entire cost of treatment. "I read that the government was willing to bear Solo as well. We'll talk Kemenkes which, where the local government," he said.

Friday, 30 September 2011


Indonesia 200 million more people will change their identity cards is the e-ID card

What is e-ID card?

e-ID card or Electronic ID card is a document that contains demographic security system / control both from the administration or information technology with a database based on the national population.
Residents are only allowed to have 1 (one) ID listed Population Identification Number (VIN). NIK is a single identity of each resident and valid for life
VIN number in the e-ID card will be used as the basis for issuance of Passport, Driving License (SIM), Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), insurance policy, Certificate of Land Rights and the issuance of identity documents (Article 13 of Law no. 23 Year 2006 on Adminduk)
Authentication of Identity Card (e-ID) typically using biometric verification and validation of the system through the introduction of physical characteristics or human behavior. There are many types of security in this way, such as a fingerprint (fingerprint), retina, DNA, face shape, and shape of the teeth. In the e-ID cards, which are used are fingerprints.
The use of e-ID card fingerprint is more sophisticated than had been applied for the license (driver's license). Fingerprints are not just printed in the form of pictures (jpeg format) as in the SIM, but can also be identified through the chip mounted on the card. The data stored on the card have been encrypted with a specific cryptographic algorithms. The process of taking fingerprints from people until they can be recognized from the chip card is as follows:
Fingerprints are recorded from each of compulsory ID cards are all fingers (of ten), but the data included in the chip only two fingers, the thumb and right index finger. Chosen as a fingerprint authentication for e-ID card for the following reasons:
1. The cost of the least expensive, is more economical than other biometric
2. Forms can be maintained unchanged because the fingerprint streaks will return to its original shape even scratched the skin
3. Unique, although there is no similar possibility of twins
Population information is included in the e-ID card rough layout is shown in the following:
To obtain the above information from residents, mandatory ID card must fill out a form type F1.01.
In addition to the objectives to be achieved, the benefits of e-ID cards is expected to be perceived as follows:
1. The identity of a single identity
2. Can not be forged
3. Can not be duplicated
4. Can be used as a sound card in the election or elections
The structure of e-ID consists of nine layers which will increase the security of conventional KTP. Chip planted in between the white and transparent plastic on the top two layers (viewed from front). This chip has an antenna in it that will issue a wave when swiped. Wave is what will be recognized by the detector e-ID card so that can know whether the ID cards in the hands of someone who is right or not. To create an e-ID card with nine layers, enough stage of manufacture, including:
1. Hole punching, the punch card as a place to put a chip
2. Pick and pressure, namely placing the chip on the card
3. Implanter, the installation of antenna (a circular pattern over and over like a spiral)
4. Printing, the printing of cards
5. Spot welding, pressing the card with the flow of electricity
6. Laminating, namely the closure of a plastic card with a safety
e-ID card are protected by safety relief printing such as text, microtext, image filters, invisible ink and colors that glow under ultraviolet light and anti-copy design.
Data storage on a chip in accordance with international standards of NISTIR 7123 and ICAO Machine Readable Travel Documents Passport 9303 and the EU Specification 2006. Form of electronic ID cards in accordance with ISO 7810 with a credit card size form factor which is 53.98 mm x 85.60 mm.
Why should the e-ID card?
E-ID card project against the backdrop of the conventional ID card production system in Indonesia that allows a person can have more than one ID card. This is due to the absence of a unified data base that collects data from the entire population of Indonesia. This fact gives residents an opportunity to steal from the state by duplicating his ID card. Some of them are used for the following things:
1. Tax evasion
2. Make it easy for a passport that can not be made across the city
3. Securing corruption
4. Hide identity (eg by terrorists)
Electronic identity card has been widely used in European countries including Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Italy, Finland, Serbia, Spain and Sweden, the Middle East is Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Morocco, and in Asia that is India and China.
Minister of Home Affairs revealed superiority Gamawan Fauzi Electronic Identity Card (e-ID) to be applied in Indonesia, compared with e-ID cards are implemented in the PRC and India. Gamawan calls, e-ID cards in Indonesia is more comprehensive.
In the PRC, the e-ID cards are not equipped with a biometric or fingerprint records. There, e-ID is only equipped with a chip containing personal data are limited. Being in India, the system used for the management of population data is a system UID (unique identification), which in Indonesia called NIK (Population Identification Number).
"UID issued through the register on 68 service points, while the electronic ID card program in Indonesia will be held at the 6214 district," said Gamawan.
"Thus, the electronic ID card that will be applied in Indonesia is a combination of e-ID UID PRC and India, because the electronics are equipped with biometric ID cards and chips,"

Indonesian national army always long life at the age of 66 years

Kopassus who it really is??
The history of the birth of Special Forces Command as the unit can not be separated from the historic series in the life of the nation of Indonesia, in July 1950, arose a rebellion in the Moluccas by kelopok calling itself the RMS (Republic of South Moluccas). Armed Forces High Command during the RI immediately deployed troops to quell the mob. This operation led by the army commander Colonel AE III Kawilarang territory, while the surgery was designated as Commander Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi.
This operation was successfully quell the insurgency, but with no small sacrifice on the part of the TNI. Having studied it in several battles, the enemy with a relatively small force is often able to thwart military attacks whose strength is much greater.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the supreme commander of Kopassus
This was not only due to the spirit of members of enemy forces that higher or more complete equipment, but also tactics and combat experience are well supported right firepower and movement of individuals.
The incident is what ultimately inspired Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi to spearhead the formation of a unit that can be driven beater quickly and appropriately to deal with various targets in the field which, however, the weight. After the death of Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi on one battle Kawilarang AE.
Through the Territorial Army and Instruction No. III. 55 / Inst / PDS / 52 dated 16 April 1952 formed the territorial COMMAND INCLUSION III which is the forerunner of "Corps of the Red Berets". As the first commander entrusted to Major Mochamad Idjon Djanbi, a former captain who had joined the Colonial Army Corps Special Troopen and had fought in World War II.

In subsequent trips this unit several times to change the name of unity among the Army (Special Forces) in 1953, the Regiment of the Army Forces Command) in 1952, then in 1955 turned into the Army Para Commando Regiment (Special Forces). In 1966 the unit was again renamed the Center for Army Special Forces (TNI PUSPASSUS AD), later in 1971 changed its name this unit became Sandi Yudha Forces Command (Kopassandha). In 1985 the unit was renamed the Special Forces Command (Kopassus) until now.

Kopassus pride of the people of Indonesia

Says the narrator of the Discovery Channel Special Forces units are not too dependent on the equipment that carries the super-advanced technology, accurate and all-digital. Great special forces troops who are able to achieve excellent quality in terms of individual ability. It includes self-defense capabilities, survival, camouflage, strategy, endurance strikes, guerrilla warfare, making traps, and others. Capabilities that do not rely too much on advanced technology and skill above the average - another column, make a plus of KOPASSUS for submitting it. In a number of Kopassus soldiers, equivalent to 5 other regular soldiers in Indonesia.
Some Small achievements and Gait Kopassus

1. Kopasus also champion of the Elite Forces sniper in the Asia Pacific meeting in December 2006. By simply relying on artificial arms Pindad! Number two of his Australian SAS
2. Kopasus ranks 2 (of 35) in terms of success and the success of military operations (intelligence - moving - an intrusion - action) at a meeting of Elite Forces in Tactical, Deployment and Assault in Vienna Austria. No. only Delta Force USA.
3. North african countries now have a reference to western techniques and the formation of their elite forces training. 80% of their coach officers Kopasus
4. Paspampres Cambodian troops are elite troops that trained by Kopassus

Thursday, 29 September 2011

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Happy birthday to 66 years on 5 October 2011 Indonesian National Army

Indonesia National Army (TNI) was born in struggle to maintain the independence of Indonesia from the threat of Dutch ambitions to colonize Indonesia again by force of arms. TNI is an organization that began development of People's Security Agency (BKR). Furthermore, on October 5, 1945 became the People's Security Army (TKR), and to improve the arrangement in accordance with international military base, changed into Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI).

In a further development of government efforts to enhance national army went on, as he fought and struggled for upholding the sovereignty and national independence. To unite the two armed forces of TRI as a regular army and agencies struggle of the people, then on June 3, 1947 President mengesyahkan with the official founding of the Indonesian National Army (TNI).

At critical moments during the War of Independence (1945-1949), Army managed to manifest itself as a people's army, the army of the revolution, and the national army. As the power of the newborn, in addition to arranging the TNI itself, at the same time must also face many challenges, both from within and from abroad. From within the country, the military face-undermining undermining both the political dimension as well as military dimensions. Sourced from politics undermining the Communist group who want to put the military under their influence through the â € œPepolit, Bureau of Struggle, and the TNI-Society:. While the challenges of the country which the military dimension of military forces in a struggle in some areas and the PKI in the Madiun rebellion and the Darul Islam (DI) in West Java that could threaten national integrity. The challenge of the military overseas twice to face the Dutch Military Aggression and organizations that have a more modern weaponry.

Aware of the limitations of military aggression in the face of the Netherlands, Indonesia and the people carrying out the People's War universe where all the energy of the TNI and the community and national resources were deployed to confront the aggression. Thus, the integrity and existence of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia has been able to be maintained by military force with the people.

In accordance with the decision of the Round Table Conference (RTC), at the end of 1949 created the Republic of Indonesia (RIS). Correspondingly, also formed the Armed Forces RIS (APRIS) which is combined with the TNI TNI and the Colonial Army as its core. In August 1950 Indonesia RIS disbanded and returned to the form of unitary state. APRIS was renamed the Armed Forces of Indonesia (APRI).

System of parliamentary democracy adopted by the government in the period 1950-1959, affecting the lives of the TNI. Intervention of politicians who are too far in pushing the TNI internal affair Incident October 17, 1952 which resulted in a rift in the army environment. On the other hand, it encourages military intervention to engage in political activities by setting up political parties namely the Association of Supporters of Indonesian Independence (IP-KI) who participated as a contestant in the 1955 General Election.

Period which is also called the period of Liberal Democracy is characterized also by a variety of domestic rebellion. In 1950 some former members of the Colonial Army launched an uprising in Bandung (Army rebellion Ratu Adil / APRA), Andi Azis Rebellion in Makassar, Maluku and rebellions in the South Maluku Republic (RMS). Meanwhile, DI TII widen the influence of West Java, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and Aceh. In 1958 the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia / Total People's Struggle (PRRI / Permesta) rebellion in most of Sumatra and North Sulawesi are endangering the national integrity. All of the rebellion can be crushed by military force with other components of the nation.

Efforts to unify the organization and the State Police forces into the Armed Forces of Republika organization of Indonesia (ABRI) in 1962 was an important part of military history in the decade of the sixties.

Merging of the strength of the Armed Forces under one command, is expected to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out its role, and not easily influenced by the interests of certain political groups. But it is facing numerous challenges, especially from the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) as part of international communism ever-persistent attempt to exert influence in the Indonesian nation, including the order of life into the body through the infiltration of armed forces and special coaching, as well as utilize the influence of President / Supreme Commander Armed Forces for its political interests.

PKI efforts intensified and culminated in a coup against the legitimate government by G30S/PKI, resulting in the Indonesian nation was in a very critical situation. In these conditions TNI successfully overcome the critical situation and quell the forces foil coup supporters together with the forces of society and even all the people of Indonesia.

In a completely chaotic situation, the Armed Forces carry out his duties as defense forces and as a force sospol. As a means of defense forces, armed forces crushed the rebels and remnants of the PKI. As the strength of the Armed Forces sospol encourage the creation of a new political order to carry out the Pancasila and the Constitution of 45 in a pure and consistent.

Meanwhile, the Armed Forces continue to reform itself by strengthening internal integration. The first step is to integrate the doctrine that eventually gave birth to the doctrine of the Armed Forces Catur Dharma Eka Karma (Cadek). This doctrine has implications for reorganization of the Armed Forces as well as education and joint exercises between the Armed Forces and Police. On the other hand, the Armed Forces also conducts external integration in the form of military unity with the people who applied through the Armed Forces Sign Desa (AMD).

Roles, Functions and Duties of the TNI (formerly ABRI) also changed in accordance with Law No. 34 of 2004. TNI role as a tool of the state in the field of defense in performing its duties under the policy and political decisions the country. TNI as an instrument of national defense, serve as: an antidote to any form of military threats and armed threats from outside and inside the country against the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and safety of the nation, penindak against any form of threat as mentioned above, and the restoration of conditions of security which disrupted by the security chaos.

TNI is a fundamental duty to uphold state sovereignty, defend the territorial integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, as well as protect the whole nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia from the threat and disruption to the integrity of the nation and state.

The principal tasks were divided into 2 (two), namely: war and military operations to military operations other than war.

Military operations other than war include surgery to overcome the armed separatist movement, overcoming an armed rebellion, overcoming terrorism, securing the border, securing vital objects which are of strategic national, world peace perform duties in accordance with foreign policy, securing the President and Vice President and their families, empower the region's defense and force early supporters in accordance with the defense system of the universe, help the task of governance in the region, helping the Police of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of security and public order duties are stipulated in the law, helped secure a state guest-level heads of state and representatives of foreign governments who was in Indonesia, helping to cope with natural disasters, refugee, and humanitarian aid, assist search and rescue in the accident (search and rescue) as well as assist the government in the shipping and aviation security against piracy, piracy and smuggling.

While in the field of internal reform, the TNI is still continues to carry out internal reforms in accordance with the demands of national reform. TNI continued to maintain its commitment to internal reform can achieve the desired goals in creating new and better Indonesia in the future in the frame upholding the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. In fact, since 1998 actually internally TNI has made significant changes, among others:

First, formulate a new paradigm of the role of ABRI Abad XXI, secondly, to formulate a new paradigm that better reach the TNI's role into the future, as the actualization of the new paradigm the role of the Armed Forces XXI Century; third separation from the military police who had become head of the Armed Forces started 1-4 decision -1999 as the Transformation of Beginning; fourth, the elimination of workmanship through a decision of the Armed Forces retirement or transfer status. (Kep: 03 /) / II/1999); fifth, the elimination Wansospolpus and Wansospolda / Wansospolda Tk-I; sixth, shrinking the number of members F.TNI / Police in the DPR and DPRD I and II in the elimination of political social function; seventh ; TNI is no longer involved in Practical Politics / day to day Politics; eighth, organizational termination by the Golkar Party and take a distance equal to all existing political parties; ninth, commitment and consistency of military neutrality in the election; the tenth, the arrangement of military ties with KBT (Family TNI); eleventh revision of military doctrine adapted to the Reform and the Role of Armed Forces XXI Century; twelve, a change Sospol Staff Staff Komsos; thirteenth, changes in Social and Political Chief of Staff (Kassospol) became Chief of Staff of the Territorial (caster); fourteenth, deletion Sospoldam, Babinkardam, Sospolrem and Sospoldim; fifteenth, liquidation Syawan Armed Forces Staff, Staff Kamtibmas Babinkar Armed Forces and Armed Forces; sixteenth, the application of public accountability of foundations belong to the army / military Enterprises; seventeenth, the liquidation of the Organization Deputy Commander of TNI; eighteenth, deletion Bakorstanas and Bakorstanasda; nineteenth, KDH confirmation candidates from the TNI has had to retire from the stage filtration; the twentieth, the elimination of Camp Vigilance; keduapuluhsatu, revocation of Armed Forces of the material Sospol military education curriculum; keduapuluhdua, liquidation of the Organization caster TNI; keduapuluhtiga, liquidation of Social Communications Staff (Skomsos) TNI TNI Commander in accordance Skep 21 / VI / 2005; twenty four, the enactment doktrinTNI â € œTri Dharma Eka Karma (Tridek) replacing â € œCatur Dharma Eka Karma (Cadek) according to the TNI Commander decision date Kep/2/I/2007 number January 12, 2007.
As a means of national defense, the TNI is committed to continue reforms in line with the demands of the TNI's internal reform and the country's political decisions.

Papua is rich in gold

Indonesia Provides Direct Benefits FFreeport 1.4 billion U.S. Dollars to the Government of Indonesia During the first semester 2011

Jakarta, August 4, 2011, PT Freeport Indonesia (Freeport Indonesia) hereby announces that during the months April to June 2011, Freeport Indonesia has made payment obligations to the Government of Indonesia for 692 million U.S. dollars, or about Rp 5.9 trillion at current exchange rates , which consists of the Corporate Income Tax amounting to 594 million U.S. dollars, Income Tax Employees, Local Tax and other taxes amounting to 48 million U.S. dollars, and a royalty of 50 million U.S. dollars.

With this second quarter payment, total payment obligation to the Government of Indonesia Freeport Indonesia during the first semester of 2011 of 1.4 billion U.S. dollars, or around Rp 11.7 trillion at current exchange rates.

The value fluctuates according to the quarterly payment of commodity prices, sales and production levels.

Total financial liabilities in accordance with the provisions referring to the Contract of Work in 1991 that Freeport Indonesia has paid to the Government of Indonesia from 1992 to June 2011 amounted to 12.8 billion U.S. dollars. This amount consists of the Corporate Income Tax payments of 7.9 billion U.S. dollars, Income Tax Employees, Local Tax and other taxes amounting to 2.4 billion U.S. dollars, 1.3 billion U.S. dollars royalties and dividends amounting to 1.2 billion U.S. dollars.

Freeport Indonesia also contributed indirectly to investment in infrastructure in Indonesia, including Papua, such as cities, power plant installations, airports and harbors, roads, bridges, sewage disposal facilities, and modern communication systems. Social infrastructure provided by the company include schools, dormitories, hospitals and clinics, places of worship, recreational facilities and the development of small and medium enterprises. Freeport Indonesia has made investments worth about 7.2 billion U.S. dollars in various projects.

Based on studies conducted by the Economic and Social Research Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (LPEM-UI) in 2010, Freeport Indonesia contributed to the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) reached 96% of Mimika Regency, Papua Province, while to GDP reached 68%. Freeport Indonesia Contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Indonesia reached 1.59%.

Until the year 2010, the total number of employees Freeport Indonesia and its contractor companies totaled more than 22,000 people, 30% of whom were native Papuan employees and only employs less than 2% of foreign workers. To increase skilled manpower from Papua, Freeport Indonesia in 2003 founded the Institute of Mining Nemangkawi (IPN) as a center for training skilled manpower which to date has graduated more than 1,500 student internships to work at Freeport Indonesia and its contractors.

Freeport Indonesia is always trying to run mining operations in ways that promote a positive and open relationships with communities, governments and other stakeholders to support sustainable benefits. Throughout the year 2010, Freeport Indonesia has invested more than 155 million U.S. dollars in various programs of sustainable development in Papua; 72.9 million U.S. dollars used for environmental management, while 112.6 million U.S. dollars earmarked for social development programs in which 69.7 million dollars The U.S. earmarked for community development programs through funding partnerships.
gold in Indonesia is managed by the American company and Antam

the Best of the best Indonesia Spa with MTG

Martha Tilaar Group is one of Indonesia’s foremost purveyors of innovative, high-quality beauty products and services. With its wide-ranging stable of sub-brands under the Martha Tilaar umbrella brand, the group offers an impressive array of beauty and well-being choices for women of all ages and income groups. While many of its products and treatments feature the ancient wisdom of traditional Indonesian herbal ingredients (jamu) and other natural plant extracts, Martha Tilaar also produces a wide variety of up-to-the-minute color cosmetics and skincare, body care and hair care products for the modern woman.
From its humble beginnings as a beauty salon in the early 1970s, the company has grown into an integrated, world-class, total beauty provider with an annual turnover of around Rp600 billion (US$75 million), which exports its products all over the world. The company’s key brands have won numerous prizes and consistently achieved the country’s highest ratings for brand awareness, reflecting Martha Tilaar’s strong focus on beauty products specifically designed for the Eastern woman. The group leads the domestic market for color cosmetics (decorative and make-up base) with an 18 to 10 percent share, and holds around 11 percent of the skincare market.
The group’s range of products consists of cosmetics and personal care (decorative products, make-up base, skincare, body care and hair care), jamu, and spa products. The main brands are: Sariayu, which is Indonesia’s oldest brand in this market, and which boasts the largest number of in-store counters (decorative products, make-up base, skincare, body care, hair care and jamu), Biokos (anti-aging skincare), Caring Colours (decorative, make-up base), Belia (splash colognes for teenagers), Berto Tea, Dewi Sri Spa (holistic spa products), Professional Artist Cosmetics (decorative and make-up base), Jamu Garden (jamu, skincare, body care, and health care), Mirabella (decorative), and Rudy Hadisuwarno Cosmetics (hair care) under license from the Rudy Hadisuwarno Organization.
March 2001: The Most Valuable Brand 2001 given by SWA Magazine and Mars to Sariayu Martha Tilaar’s moisturizer, facemask and foundation.

September 2001: The Indonesia Customer Satisfaction Awards 2001 from Frontier for the categories of Belia Body Cologne and Sariayu Lipstick.

August 2002: Siddhakretya Technology Award 2002 honourly awarded by the President Republic of Indonesia, Ibu Megawati Sukarnoputri to DR HC Martha Tilaar (on behalf of PT Martina Berto).

2002: The Top of Mind Brand 2002 awarded to PT Cempaka Belkosindo Indah for Mirabella lipstick category.

July 2002 – July 2005 (consecutively): Indonesian Best Brand Awards given by SWA Magazine & Mars to Sariayu Martha Tilaar for the categories of lipstick, moisturizer, liquid foundation, face powder and face cosmetics.

July 2004: Superbrands Award given to Martha Tilaar Group of Companies by The Indonesia Superbrands Council, for the achieving the strongest local cosmetic brand in Indonesia.

July 2005: Golden Indonesia Best Brand Award given to PT Sariayu Martha Tilaar for face moisturizer and foundation categories.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Yeah,Obama also once lived in Indonesia for several years during elementary school

President of the United States (U.S.), Barack Obama gave a public lecture at the University of Indonesia today, Wednesday, November 10, 2010.

At the beginning of his speech, not just saying 'Good Morning' and 'hai' he said. Obama invited the applause and the swish of community pride Indonesia when he said, "Indonesia is a part of me" with the Indonesian language fluently.

He also expressed sorry for the calamities that befall some communities in Indonesia who are victims of the tsunami and the eruption of Mount Merapi. He said, the U.S. is committed to provide assistance needed.

Obama then told the story of his childhood in Jakarta. "My mother married an Indonesian citizen, Lolo Soetoro, and the time I entered a different world," Obama said in a speech on Wednesday morning.

However, Jakarta is quickly becoming my hometown, a house, for Obama.

"It was just a few tall buildings, one of which the Hotel Indonesia. And only one department store, Sarinah."

Not many cars in Jakarta at the time. "That there are rickshaws and bemo," Obama said. Not to forget Obama also mentions his favorite foods. "Meatballs, well he said yes ...?," with Indonesian.

Told Obama, family, neighbors, and teachers teach Indonesia him. Also her little friends.

Obama also studied Islam and the tolerance of his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, who was a Muslim.

While from the mother, Obama said he learned about Indonesian culture and loving the people.

"When I returned to hawaai , I never thought would come back to Jakarta as President of the United States."

Jakarta Jakarta is now in the eyes of Obama are very different. Jakarta grew rapidly, becoming the center of business and commerce.

After a speech at UI, Obama is scheduled to go directly to the Halim Air Base Perdanakusumah and directly contrary to South Korea. (adi)

How Indonesia Culture and bali ??

Indonesia is..
Indonesia is an archipelago in the form of republic, located in Southeast Asia. Indonesia has about 17,000 islands with a land area of 1,922,570 km2 and the broad waters of 3,257,483 km2 Based on its geographical position, Indonesia has state boundaries: North - State of Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, South China Sea. South - State of Australia, Indian Ocean. West - Indian Ocean. East - State of Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, the Pacific Ocean.
Geographical position of Indonesia consists of astronomical and geographical location of different understanding and view.
Location of Astronomical
Astronomical location of a country is based on the location of the position of latitude and longitude. Latitude is an imaginary line that circles the earth's surface is horizontal, whereas the longitude is an imaginary line connecting the North Pole and South Pole. Location of astronomical Indonesia Located between 6oLU - 11oLS and 95oBT - Based on the location of astronomical Indonesia 141oBT traversed by the equator line, namely the imaginary line on a map or globe that divides the earth into two equal parts. Equator line or equator lies in the latitude 0o.
Geographical location
Geographical location is the location of an area or region seen from reality on the earth's surface. Based on geographical location, the Indonesian archipelago between the continent of Asia and Australia, as well as between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Thus, parts of Indonesia is at a cross position, which have significance in relation to climate and economy.
Location of Geological
The location is the location of a geological region of the rock types seen in the Earth's surface. Indonesia is a geological region traversed by the two-lane mountain world of young Mediterranean Mountains in the west and the Pacific Sirkum Mountains to the east. and bali
is favorite indonesian visit..

Bali’s population of over 3,000,000 souls spread over the whole island, including those in the smaller islands of Nusa Penida, Nusa Ceningan, Nusa Lembongan, Serangan and Menjangan Island. The overwhelming majority of Balinese are Hindus, with the increasing number on non-Hindu migrating from the closest neighboring islands of Java and Lombok

The coastal areas in the south are the most populous area with over 370,000 people living in various professions in the capital of Denpasar. Farming has been the primary way of living in Balinese life. Where else fishing, trading and craftsmanship are also in fashion from generation to generation. Yet with the fast growing of tourism since past few decades, young people start to build up a new touch in their living culture.
Life in Bali is very communal under the organization of villages. Temple ceremonies, marriage, cremation, farming and even the creative art festivals are decided by the local community institution called “Banjar”. The responsibilities in the day-to-day life are normally administered by both the Banjar and the government. The local government mostly responsible for schools, health clinics, hospitals and roads, and Banjar is responsible for all other aspects of life. There is another association exists in the banjar named “Subak” that concerns to the production of rice and organizes the complex irrigation system. Every family who owns a rice field must be a member of their local Subak, which then ensures that every member gets his fair distribution of water. A banjar consists of an average of 50 to 150 family members, owning a meeting venue called the Bale Banjar, which is used for regular gatherings and a center for local gamelan orchestras and drama groups.

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Monday, 26 September 2011

You want to challenge nature, touring bike, and enjoy the scenery? "High Hill" was the answer ...

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and klik garuda indonesia

History of “Bukit Tinggi” Sumatera-indonesia

Bukittinggi in the state administration since the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese colonial era and the era of independence with many variations, remains a central portion of Central Government as well as Sumatra Sumatra as a whole, even the United Kingdom had acted as the Central Government of the Republic of Indonesia setela Yogyajarta occupied Netherlands from December 1948 to the moon June 1949.

As a former Dutch government, Dutch Bukittinggi is always enhanced by his role in state administration, from what dinamakanGemetelyk Resort based Stbl 1828. The Netherlands has set up a defensive stronghold in 1825, which until now blockhouse is still known as the Fort "Fort De Kock". The city has been used also by the Dutch as the resting place of officers who are in its colonies in the east of this.

By the Japanese government, Bukittinggi used as a control center for the region of Sumatra military government, even to Singapore and Thailand as commander based here Milioter to 25. At this time the United Kingdom changed its name from Fort de Kock became Taddsgemente Bukittinggi Yaku The SHO of the area expanded to include village-village Sianok, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, and Bukit Batu Taba Batabuah that now all of them now in Agam regency, in The city is also the Government of Japan set up reinforcements tebtara largest radio transmitter to the island of Sumatra in order to raise the spirit of the people to support the interests of the Greater East Asia peramg Japanese version.

In the days of the struggle for Independence of the Republic of Indonesia Bukitinggi role as the city struggles. From December 1948 until June 1949 was appointed as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia Government Emergency (Emergency Government), after falling into the hands of the Dutch in Yogyakarta.

Furthermore, once the capital of Bukittinggi Sumatra Province with Mr governors. Tengku Muhammad Hasan. Later in the regulations in Lieu of Law No.. Bukittinggi 4, 1959 established as the capital city of Central Sumatra-residencies that include residencies, West Sumatra, Jambi and Riau, which are now respectively the residency has become its own provinces.

After residency developed into West Sumatra West Sumatra province, Bukittinggi is designated as the capital of his province,. since 1958 the de facto capital of Province have moved to a deyuire Padangnamun Bukittinggi in 1978 then not again become the capital of West Sumatra province, with the release of Government Regulation no. 29 in 1979 to move the capital of West Sumatra province to Padang.

Now this Bukittinggi municipal status as second-level region in accordance with the law No. 5 year 1974 concerning Regional Government which has been enhanced by Law NO. 22/99menjadi of Bukittinggi.

briefly the development of Bukittinggi can diloihat as follows:

A. In the period of Dutch colonization

Originally sebagaiGeemente Fort De Kock and then became Staadgemente Fort De Kock, as stipulated in No. Staadblad. 358 of 1938 the total area equal to the area of Bukittinggi today.

B. In the Japanese Occupation Period

At this time named Shi Yaku Sho Bukittinggi a wider territory than is now coupled with the City Bukittingggi-Nagari Nagari Sianok, Gadit, Ampang Tower, and Bukit Batu Taba Batabuah.

C. During the Period of Independence Up Now

In the early days of the proclamation, Bukittinggi same area as today with the first Waliktanya namely Barmawi Sutan Rajo Ameh.
Town of Bukittinggi in Sumatra Province Governor No. statutes. 391 dated June 9, 1947 on the establishment of Bukittinggi as the City is entitled to govern themselves.
Big City as set Bukittinggi Law no. 9 in 1956 on the establishment of the Autonomous City of Bukittinggi in the environment of Central Sumatra Province jo Basic Law on Local Government No. 22 tahun1960.
Bukittinggi Municipality, as stipulated in Law No. Local Government. 1 in 1957 jo. Pen. Prs. No. 6 of 1959 jo. Pen. prs. No. 5 in 1960.
Bukittinggi Municipality as where provided for in Law no. 5 of 1974 on the Principles of Local Government.

Local Government leaders, both as an officer senentara (Acting) or as an officer (Pj), as well as the Mayor of Choice (KDH) is assigned to be as follows:

Barmawi Sutan Rajo Ameh
Iskandar Teja Kusuma
Jamin Dt. Bagindo
Aziz Karim
Enin Karim
Saadudin Jambek
Nauman Jamil Dt. Mangkuto Ameh
MB. Dt. Majo Nan Yellow tongue
Latif Syahbuddin Dt. Sibungsu
Dr. S. Rivai
Bahar Kamil Angry Sutan
Anwar Maksum Angry Sutan
M. Asril, SH
A. Kamal, SH
Drs. Masri
Drs. Oemar Gaffar
Drs. B. Barhanudin
Drs. Hasan Basri (PLT. Mayor)
Agus Armedi
Drs. Rusdi Lubis (PLT Mayor)
Drs. H. Djufri
Drs. H. Oktisir Sjovijerli Osir (PLT. Mayor)
Drs. H. Djufri
24. H. Ismet Amzis, SH (now)

With a wide variety status and the functions carried Bukittinggi as described above, we can draw the conclusion that the United Kingdom is a strategic location and supported also by the weather was cool, karenaterletak in Bukit Barisan range.

In terms of social, no less Bukitinggi also its role, both in the size of the regional, Nasiopnal mupun International. In this city often held working meetings Government, scientific meetings, congresses by community organizations and others.

Copyright © 2008 - 2010 Allright reserved.
Jln. Bhakti No. Kesuma. 1, Bukit Gulai Bancah
Koto Mandiangin Selayan, Bukittinggi
West Sumatra - Indonesia - Zip Code: 26122


Sunday, 25 September 2011

all about Singkawang referensi

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Singkawang, City of Thousand Temples
Thursday, 04 February 2010 10:28:28 | Local News | (1254 view)

Vihara (temple) which was established in 1878 is believed to be a place of worship of the oldest people in the Tri Dharma Singkawang. "In the past, is not it, the city became a haven of the Chinese who want to mine gold in Monterado (now District Bengkayang). All around Singkawang still wilderness, "the story of the Foundation Chairman of Tri Dharma Temple of Earth Kingdom City Centre Singkawang Nawir Suchandro.

According to Chinese belief, each forest is said to have a guardian spirit that protects the region. "Be founded the temple to worship the God of Earth Kingdom (Tua Peh Kong) as its patron," he said.

People good at running a religious ritual called Lie Shie Chinese origin believed to bring a statue of God of Earth Kingdom from mainland China and build the temple.

Originally, the temple was just a simple cottage where the transit of people from outside Singkawang. All around the cottage there is a place to tether horses. Recently around the year 1920, the cottage was demolished and built a more permanent temple. "But, when a major fire struck Singkawang 1930, the temple was part sold. Three years later rebuilt, "he said.

The rebuilding of this temple are prohibited from the Dutch authorities in Singkawang time. That said, once had dreams of Old Peh Kong, the Dutch authorities are willing to give permission.

In the center of the temple that has become a cultural heritage of West Kalimantan is there a statue of God of Earth Kingdom and his wife, who can be rescued from the raging fire during a major fire. On the left and right stands a statue of god and the god Kok Sin Bong Bong On Chi Siu. While in the top center there is a statue of Gautama Buddha.

According to the founder of Tri Dharma Vihara Foundation Earth Kingdom City Centre Singkawang A Soewardi, which distinguishes this temple with the other is the presence of Ru Yi or the symbol of power and fortune in the right hand statue of Tua Peh Kong. "At other temples, Tua Peh Kong statue carrying a stick with a bottle of wine."

Each Lunar and Cap Go Meh, this temple visited by thousands of Tri Dharma. They not only come from Singkawang, but also from other cities in West Kalimantan and big cities, like Jakarta and Surabaya. Some are coming from Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and China.

When the Cap Go Meh, all the Tatung or loya (traditional Chinese) from inside and outside Singkawang shall ask for the blessing of God of Earth Kingdom in this temple before they run around town in a ritual to clean the city from evil spirits. Tua Peh Kong statue from other temples also paraded.

Besides this the oldest temple, there are many temples in the city. So many, no wonder if Singkawang known as the City of Thousand Temples. (C Rev Haryo PS)


Tourists take pictures in front of Tri Dharma Temple of Earth Kingdom, Singkawang, West Kalimantan on Sunday (31 / 1). Ahead of Chinese New Year celebrations and Cap Go Meh, the city is nicknamed City of Thousand Temples visited local and foreign tourists.