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Monday, 26 September 2011

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History of “Bukit Tinggi” Sumatera-indonesia

Bukittinggi in the state administration since the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese colonial era and the era of independence with many variations, remains a central portion of Central Government as well as Sumatra Sumatra as a whole, even the United Kingdom had acted as the Central Government of the Republic of Indonesia setela Yogyajarta occupied Netherlands from December 1948 to the moon June 1949.

As a former Dutch government, Dutch Bukittinggi is always enhanced by his role in state administration, from what dinamakanGemetelyk Resort based Stbl 1828. The Netherlands has set up a defensive stronghold in 1825, which until now blockhouse is still known as the Fort "Fort De Kock". The city has been used also by the Dutch as the resting place of officers who are in its colonies in the east of this.

By the Japanese government, Bukittinggi used as a control center for the region of Sumatra military government, even to Singapore and Thailand as commander based here Milioter to 25. At this time the United Kingdom changed its name from Fort de Kock became Taddsgemente Bukittinggi Yaku The SHO of the area expanded to include village-village Sianok, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, and Bukit Batu Taba Batabuah that now all of them now in Agam regency, in The city is also the Government of Japan set up reinforcements tebtara largest radio transmitter to the island of Sumatra in order to raise the spirit of the people to support the interests of the Greater East Asia peramg Japanese version.

In the days of the struggle for Independence of the Republic of Indonesia Bukitinggi role as the city struggles. From December 1948 until June 1949 was appointed as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia Government Emergency (Emergency Government), after falling into the hands of the Dutch in Yogyakarta.

Furthermore, once the capital of Bukittinggi Sumatra Province with Mr governors. Tengku Muhammad Hasan. Later in the regulations in Lieu of Law No.. Bukittinggi 4, 1959 established as the capital city of Central Sumatra-residencies that include residencies, West Sumatra, Jambi and Riau, which are now respectively the residency has become its own provinces.

After residency developed into West Sumatra West Sumatra province, Bukittinggi is designated as the capital of his province,. since 1958 the de facto capital of Province have moved to a deyuire Padangnamun Bukittinggi in 1978 then not again become the capital of West Sumatra province, with the release of Government Regulation no. 29 in 1979 to move the capital of West Sumatra province to Padang.

Now this Bukittinggi municipal status as second-level region in accordance with the law No. 5 year 1974 concerning Regional Government which has been enhanced by Law NO. 22/99menjadi of Bukittinggi.

briefly the development of Bukittinggi can diloihat as follows:

A. In the period of Dutch colonization

Originally sebagaiGeemente Fort De Kock and then became Staadgemente Fort De Kock, as stipulated in No. Staadblad. 358 of 1938 the total area equal to the area of Bukittinggi today.

B. In the Japanese Occupation Period

At this time named Shi Yaku Sho Bukittinggi a wider territory than is now coupled with the City Bukittingggi-Nagari Nagari Sianok, Gadit, Ampang Tower, and Bukit Batu Taba Batabuah.

C. During the Period of Independence Up Now

In the early days of the proclamation, Bukittinggi same area as today with the first Waliktanya namely Barmawi Sutan Rajo Ameh.
Town of Bukittinggi in Sumatra Province Governor No. statutes. 391 dated June 9, 1947 on the establishment of Bukittinggi as the City is entitled to govern themselves.
Big City as set Bukittinggi Law no. 9 in 1956 on the establishment of the Autonomous City of Bukittinggi in the environment of Central Sumatra Province jo Basic Law on Local Government No. 22 tahun1960.
Bukittinggi Municipality, as stipulated in Law No. Local Government. 1 in 1957 jo. Pen. Prs. No. 6 of 1959 jo. Pen. prs. No. 5 in 1960.
Bukittinggi Municipality as where provided for in Law no. 5 of 1974 on the Principles of Local Government.

Local Government leaders, both as an officer senentara (Acting) or as an officer (Pj), as well as the Mayor of Choice (KDH) is assigned to be as follows:

Barmawi Sutan Rajo Ameh
Iskandar Teja Kusuma
Jamin Dt. Bagindo
Aziz Karim
Enin Karim
Saadudin Jambek
Nauman Jamil Dt. Mangkuto Ameh
MB. Dt. Majo Nan Yellow tongue
Latif Syahbuddin Dt. Sibungsu
Dr. S. Rivai
Bahar Kamil Angry Sutan
Anwar Maksum Angry Sutan
M. Asril, SH
A. Kamal, SH
Drs. Masri
Drs. Oemar Gaffar
Drs. B. Barhanudin
Drs. Hasan Basri (PLT. Mayor)
Agus Armedi
Drs. Rusdi Lubis (PLT Mayor)
Drs. H. Djufri
Drs. H. Oktisir Sjovijerli Osir (PLT. Mayor)
Drs. H. Djufri
24. H. Ismet Amzis, SH (now)

With a wide variety status and the functions carried Bukittinggi as described above, we can draw the conclusion that the United Kingdom is a strategic location and supported also by the weather was cool, karenaterletak in Bukit Barisan range.

In terms of social, no less Bukitinggi also its role, both in the size of the regional, Nasiopnal mupun International. In this city often held working meetings Government, scientific meetings, congresses by community organizations and others.

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Jln. Bhakti No. Kesuma. 1, Bukit Gulai Bancah
Koto Mandiangin Selayan, Bukittinggi
West Sumatra - Indonesia - Zip Code: 26122
